Great post! I think design also plays into encouraging people to post comments. Ive seen on some other blogs where they change the default leave a reply on a new post to Be the first to post a comment! depending on your audience that is very inviting.
ī21-10-28 13:14
okay, but seriously – this is something I need to work on. On a number of the blogs that I get paid to write for, I have no idea how many people are reading (since I post, but dont manage or market the blog) and Im frustrated when there arent comments.
Whether or not this happens though, and how it happens, is hard to predict. Does it just depend on who is commenting and how they respond, or is there something the blogger can do to encourage that? And if so, is it related to content, context or controversy? Or just to starting great conversations to begin with?
The simple answer is, there isnt one simple answer. But this is one great conversation!
I would like many to prove to my family that if they stand on both feet without asking for their sleep and being knocked down by the way if they are right
Marriage is a long term commitment. When things become uncomfortable, you have to face the problems instead of running away